Saturday, February 5, 2011


Dear Blogger:

I have a confession. I have been playing around with another platform. I know. I know. I said that after the last time I flirted with another platform--and I came back with my blogger-tail between my legs--that I wouldn't ever leave. But this time it's different.

What? No, of course I am not talking about Facebook! Don't get me started on all the reasons I don't want to invest time and share information in that stinkin' space.

No, it is not Twitter. You know I actually love the Twitter, but I have never hid my affection for the bird and I have also told you I would never leave you for 140 characters. I mean c'mon, the Twitter feed is right there on our site!

Well, it is just that this platform is kind of a nice cross between all those status driven sites and you. And, well, it does all this arranging and organizing and resizing and stuff--oh and the templates, they are so many and interesting. Oh sorry, too much information, right?

Okay. Okay. It's Tumblr! That is what I have been goofing around with! I'm sorry. It just started out as a little exploration and the next thing I knew I was hooked. Yeah, I know that no one is following me, but it is fun.

There. I said it. Are you happy?

I am.

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