Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cuz it's about the blog, not time.

So this is the new space that I am going to now try to occupy. Why?

For starters, I wanted to try a new place that was different from The Tuning Room and other efforts where I had partitioned my life into particular interests and so it seemed like I could only post on limited issues. I recognize that is silly in some ways as I could have just posted on anything at that site, but The Room was built around being an mp3 blog and I want to get away from being limited to just that genre. I also always felt like I had to do considerable work to post on music, trying to find a new angle on music that so many others had already written about. That said, I still intend to write a lot about music and promote artists I find interesting.

Just another version of that same rationale was that I wanted to create a space to post shorter observations and accounts of life that were more about the various and interconnected parts of my life--kids, work, nature, projects and all the day to day that actually consumes life. The image of the aspens is obviously intentional since an aspen stand is all connected underground and that is how I feel about my life.

Finally, I really love the blog platform and wanted to create both a place to write about life more generally and also have a more personal blog if that isn't an oxymoron. My sense of blogging has always been about connections with friends and family and I am hoping this new space will be about that in a more expansive way than The Room was.

So, no promises, because as my title suggests, it really is a question about time and not the platform, but my intention is to be a bit more spontaneous and less formal. We will see how it goes.

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